freenode vs. oftc

Steve Gordon sgordon at
Wed Mar 14 18:50:23 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Karsten 'quaid' Wade" <kwade at>
> To: arch at
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 5:48:24 PM
> Subject: Re: freenode vs. oftc
> > I know this is quickly turning into a bikeshed post, but from my
> > point of view we have taken this from what should have been a
> > fairly simple problem (choose a network) and found the one solution
> > which is even worse (both).
> My last post wasn't intended to say 'both', it was intended to say,
> 'keep OFTC and move any traffic on Freenode to OFTC'. (Call that my
> low-energy solution.) There were multiple questions in this
> discussion
> since there are some projects on Freenode, some on OFTC. One question
> was to move the canonical channel, no reason was found, and it
> appeared more related projects were on OFTC already. Another question
> is what to do with #ovirt on Freenode.
> So long way around, the final question above results in your
> proposal,
> "Return #ovirt on Freenode's kickban + clear message to go to OFTC",
> to which I add, "And request other oVirt discussions on Freenode to
> move to OFTC." That seems workable for the current need.
> If you agree to that proposal, I reckon we have your +1 and I'll
> remain +0 for now.

In a nutshell yes, that is what I would propose we should do going forward.


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