New hooks in place

David Caro dcaroest at
Thu Feb 20 19:29:42 UTC 2014

Hi everyone!

A new batch of gerrit hooks has been deployed, it will ensure on vdsm and ovirt

* That any patch to a stable branch has at least 1 valid Bug-Url, meaning:
  - It has oVirt product
  - It's a public bug
  - It has the correct target release (3.4 for 3.4, 3.3 for 3.3 ...)

* That each bug has the status and summary of the external bugs updated
(@Michal: finally!)
  - NEW/MERGED/ABANDONED statuses (actually, what gerrit query returns)
  - Summary of the external is the same as the patch

* That each patch has feedback from the hooks about what was done and it's result
  - The hooks will comment even if all of them passed (before they only
commented when failing)

If you have any ideas/issues/comments/complains/compliments send me an email or
ping me on irc (ideally both).


David Caro

Red Hat S.L.
Continuous Integration Engineer - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D

Email: dcaro at
RHT Global #: 82-62605

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