[node-devel] Versioning of oVirt Node

Fabian Deutsch fabiand at redhat.com
Mon Mar 31 11:21:57 UTC 2014

Am Montag, den 31.03.2014, 06:19 -0400 schrieb Barak Azulay:
> > Had you created your tiny distribution based on busybox, libvirt,
> vdsm etc...
> > cross compile all from sources, then you would have been right, as
> it is our
> > own distribution that fully controlled by the ovirt community.
> If a user need to customize the hypervisor he can use a regular OS of
> his choice configured and tailored to his needs (Fedora ...,
> CentOS ...Debian, Gentoo ...)
> This is a valid use case and effort for the community.
> While having a black box hypervisor, should be the exact fit to just
> run VMs in oVirt environment.
> Why to handle specific OS configuration in a much more complex and
> less intuitive environment to manage ?
> Guys I really think this entirely misses the black-box approach.
> I don't mind moving to our own tiny distro as long as it's a single
> image to release and maintain 

Well, Node _is_ actually a tiny distro, just based on some package based
on some existing one.

> The effort of maintaining multiple ovirt-nodes based on distro and
> distro-version and ovirt-version creates an unmanageable test matrix
> that all the community might loose from  

I partially agree here.
From my POV the Fedora based Node is very useful for us to develop Node,
sooner or later the changes we've got in Fedora will land in CentOS,
thus devleoping on Fedora is a preparation for being able to deliver a
(stable) CentOS based Node.

So IMO we should continue to develop on Fedora, but we might want to
consider to keep to only deliver the CentOS based Node.
The Fedora based build could be seen as nightlies.

- fabian
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