Minutes :: oVirt Infra weekly meeting :: 2013-01-14

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at redhat.com
Mon Jan 14 16:12:05 UTC 2013


Minutes (text):


#ovirt: oVirt Infra Team Weekly

Meeting started by quaid at 15:01:19 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-14-15.01.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda & roll call  (quaid, 15:01:30)
  * LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Infrastructure_team_meetings#2012-01-14
    (quaid, 15:01:45)

* Hosting  (quaid, 15:06:10)
  * I had a kickoff meeting last Friday with RackSpace for the new
    hosting there; eedri & dcaro were included (either in the meeting or
    the materials)  (quaid, 15:06:53)
  * 10 to 15 business days from Friday 11 Jan for the new hosts to
    arrive  (quaid, 15:07:11)
  * LINK: http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013
    (quaid, 15:08:45)
  * ACTION: Need to follow up with Kevin from Alter Way for status
    (quaid, 15:09:13)
  * AlterWay servers are being installed and will be delivered on
    Wednesday  (quaid, 15:11:52)
  * ACTION: quaid to work on final migration plan for list review
    (quaid, 15:17:38)
  * LINK:
    (quaid, 15:22:10)

* Puppet  (quaid, 15:24:25)
  * dcaro has sent initial Puppet manifests to the list  (quaid,
  * LINK:
    (quaid, 15:25:08)
  * LINK: https://github.com/david-caro/puppet-jenkins   (quaid,
  * ACTION: Infra team especially ewoud need to review initial Jenkins
    Puppet manifests  (quaid, 15:28:23)
  * AGREED: We'll install Jenkins manually, then have puppet master
    enforce the puppet classes and make sure it stays aligned to the
    configuration  (quaid, 15:32:15)
  * LINK: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/best_practices.html
    (quaid, 15:38:21)
  * LINK: https://github.com/david-caro/puppet-jenkins/tree/master/files
    (dneary, 15:38:33)
  * ACTION: dcaro to request Puppet module on Gerrit  (quaid, 15:44:46)
  * AGREED: Puppet repo on Gerrit generally a good idea, will finish
    detail discussions on list  (quaid, 15:45:32)

* Jenkins  (quaid, 15:45:48)
  * ACTION: All reply to the on-list request to grant admin access to
    dcaro  (quaid, 15:46:07)
  * Jenkins migration plan embedded in the overall new hosting design
    (quaid, 15:46:51)
  * LINK: http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013
    (quaid, 15:46:53)
  * recent job failure on Jenkins are likely due to infrastructure -
    slow VM response and out of space issues  (quaid, 15:48:49)

* Gerrit  (quaid, 15:50:03)
  * Gerrit is generally stable currently  (quaid, 15:50:23)
  * AGREED: Still planning to move Gerrit to new hosting after things
    settle down from the Jenkins and Mailman moves  (quaid, 15:51:15)
  * IDEA: Should do the Gerrit install using the new Foreman/Puppet
    system  (quaid, 15:51:40)
  * ACTION: quaid to get an SSL Cert for one or more ovirt.org domains
    (quaid, 15:54:11)

* OpenShift - space & admin redundancy  (quaid, 15:55:34)
  * we ran out of space on our OpenShift gear over the weekend, which
    causes an unhelpful error that dneary fixed by cleaning up things
    (quaid, 15:56:00)
  * ACTION: quaid is asking #openshift for a much bigger quota  (quaid,
  * Bigger quota is now here, thanks dneary  (quaid, 15:58:20)
  * 'rhc log-clean' helps keep things clean  (quaid, 15:58:31)
  * IDEA: can we automate openshift cleanup using cron?  (quaid,
  * ACTION: quaid needs to figure out how to add other admins to
    OpenShift, then add folks from Infra  (quaid, 15:59:13)
  * IDEA: can we use OpenShift log rotation automagic?  (quaid,
  * IDEA: could use cron cartridge for our own log rotation  (quaid,

Meeting ended at 16:08:53 UTC.

Action Items
* Need to follow up with Kevin from Alter Way for status
* quaid to work on final migration plan for list review
* Infra team especially ewoud need to review initial Jenkins Puppet
* dcaro to request Puppet module on Gerrit
* All reply to the on-list request to grant admin access to dcaro
* quaid to get an SSL Cert for one or more ovirt.org domains
* quaid is asking #openshift for a much bigger quota
* quaid needs to figure out how to add other admins to OpenShift, then
  add folks from Infra

Action Items, by person
* dcaro
  * dcaro to request Puppet module on Gerrit
  * All reply to the on-list request to grant admin access to dcaro
* ewoud
  * Infra team especially ewoud need to review initial Jenkins Puppet
* quaid
  * quaid to work on final migration plan for list review
  * quaid to get an SSL Cert for one or more ovirt.org domains
  * quaid is asking #openshift for a much bigger quota
  * quaid needs to figure out how to add other admins to OpenShift, then
    add folks from Infra
  * Need to follow up with Kevin from Alter Way for status

People Present (lines said)
* quaid (127)
* eedri (25)
* dneary (22)
* dcaro (10)
* goacid (6)
* ale (4)
* ovirtbot (3)
* vfeenstr (2)
* ewoud (2)
* itamar (2)
* myoung34 (2)
* mburns (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'  gpg: AD0E0C41

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