Submitting Kimchi project as an oVirt incubator project (V2)

Mike Burns mburns at
Tue Sep 10 16:58:49 UTC 2013

On 09/10/2013 12:50 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> On 09/10/2013 05:23 PM, Adam Litke wrote:
>> It has been some time since we last discussed incubating Kimchi into
>> oVirt so I'd like to rekindle the discussion.  It seems like there has
>> been general agreement that the two projects are complimentary.  What
>> are the next steps?  Does the board require more information to make a
>> decision?  Is there any work that needs to be done before the board can
>> vote?
> I think Kimchi would be a great addition to the family, it fills out the
> single host management need well. I'm all in favour.
> Regards,
> Dave.

+1 from me as well (though I'm not a board member).

We're already planning on it being incorporated with oVirt Node.  It's a 
proposed feature for the 3.1 release of Node [1].


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