[Engine-devel] New tool to upload OVF archives

Keith Robertson kroberts at redhat.com
Sun Dec 4 17:10:38 UTC 2011


I have created a new tool that makes it easier to upload an OVF archive 
file to an oVirt export domain.  I've attached the patch to this email 
so that you can try it out and see what it does.

I am looking for feedback on the tool so please let me know what you think.


//---- Begin description

The new tool provided in this patch makes it easier to upload an
OVF archive to an export domain.  An OVF archive is simply a
zipped archive that can contain an image and must contain
an XML document describing the image to be uploaded.

The tool has the following behavior:
1. Before unpacking the archive it will check for requisite space
on the local system.
2. Before uploading the requisite parts in the archive it will
check for space in the target NFS export domain.
3. At this time only NFS as a transport mechanism is supported.
This is slightly different behavior than the iso uploader which
supports both NFS and SSH/SFTP.
4. The tool will allow you to rename the image.
5. The tool will allow you to change the UUID of the image.
6. The tool will only upload those files explicitly listed in the 
archive's XML .ovf file. This prevents spurious cruft which it included 
in some OVF archives from being moved to the export domain.

Example usage:
1. > python ovirt-image-uploader.py  -n 
--template-name=new-name-here --template-id=new-uuid-here upload 
keith.ovf  --force
2. > python ovirt-image-uploader.py --conf-file=./imageuploader.conf list
Please provide the REST API password for RHEV-M (CTRL+D to abort):
Export Storage Domain Name     | Datacenter                | Export 
Domain Status
ExportDomain                   | LegacyDC                  | active
3. > python ovirt-image-uploader.py -e ExportDomain 
--template-name=new-name-here --template-id=new-uuid-here upload 
keith.ovf  --force

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