[Engine-devel] "add permission to user" dialog - nothing shown by default

Einav Cohen ecohen at redhat.com
Tue Apr 10 19:27:15 UTC 2012


When opening the "add permission to user" dialog, no user is shown in the grid by default; user has to enter something in the search text-box within the dialog (or leave it empty) and hit "Go"; only then the list of users is being filled (according to the search text-box contents).

This behavior is by design.

Do you think that this behavior should change? i.e. do you think that the users grid should be filled right after opening the dialog with a list of all users? 
Please consider the following:

- calling to the search query and rendering its results may take a while, so user may open the dialog, but will be able to do something only after waiting a while (when originally, all he intended to do was to search a very particular user, which would have taken a short time).

- we may have several domains, so grid will be filled with results of the first domain selected (which might not be the domain that the user intended to search originally), so this may be annoying.

Due to the reasons above, my personal take is that the current behavior is OK and shouldn't be changed (i.e. BZ should be closed).

Any comments?

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