[Engine-devel] ovirt-engine deployment method

Mike Burns mburns at redhat.com
Tue Apr 17 13:31:38 UTC 2012

On Tue, 2012-04-17 at 09:20 -0400, Ofer Schreiber wrote:
> As decided earlier, oVirt next release (3.1) is targeted for Fedora
> 17.
> Since the engine uses JBoss, we have two deployment options:
> 1. Continue working with ovirt-engine-jbossas package
>    PROS: Single rpm. known upgrade method.
>    CONS: Maintaining un-natural zip based rpm. No official support.
> Can't be pushed into Fedora.
> 2. Move to JBoss F17 official packages:
>    PROS: Fully supported F17 rpms (including bug fixes, security
> fixes, etc). "The right thing to do".
>    CONS: Upgrade from first release (relaying on old jboss) will be
> almost impossible, Some open issues (will it work just as as normal
> service? or will we need to code a new one?), Might cause a delay to
> Feature Freeze.

Quick thoughts -- this will come up for every release until we decide on
#2.  The con for #2 will always be there until we finally switch over.
I think it's less impact to have a more manual upgrade between release 1
and 2 than between later releases.  

As long as we can provide at least a manual upgrade process with well
defined steps so that the early adopters don't have to re-create their
environments, I think we should go with #2.


> Thought? Comments?
> Share them with us!
> ---
> Ofer Schreiber
> oVirt Release Manager
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