[Engine-devel] oVirt upstream meeting : VM Version

Dor Laor dlaor at redhat.com
Thu Feb 2 09:49:10 UTC 2012

On 02/02/2012 08:46 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 02/02/2012 02:56 AM, Eli Mesika wrote:
>> Hi
>> We had discussed today the Stable Device Addresses feature
>> One of the questions arose from the meeting (and actually defined as
>> an open issue in the feature wiki) is:
>> What happens to a 3.1 VM running on 3.1 Cluster when it is moved to a
>> 3.0 cluster.
>> We encountered that VM may lose some configuration data but also may
>> be corrupted.
>> From that point we got to the conclusion that we have somehow to
>> maintain a VM Version that will allow us to

What do you mean by VM version?
Is that the guest hardware abstraction version (which is the kvm 
hypervisor release + the '-M' flag for compatibility)?

I think its the above + the meta data /devices you keep for it.

>> block moving VM if it's version is not fully supported compatible with
>> the target Cluster.
>> One idea for getting the VM version is the OVF which actually holds
>> inside its header OvfVersion.
>> The question is , is the OVF good enough for all our needs or should
>> we persist that else (for example in DB)
>> Also, any other issues/difficulties we may encounter implementing and
>> storing VM version.
>> Keep in mind that this is a new feature that impacts the Stable Device
>> Addresses feature but may be useful/relevant
>> for other features as well.
> Can you give some examples which will cause an issue moving a VM from a
> 3.1 cluster to a 3.0 one?
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