[Engine-devel] Change jboss listening ip/port configuration

Doron Fediuck dfediuck at redhat.com
Wed Feb 15 14:18:57 UTC 2012

On 15/02/12 16:15, Doron Fediuck wrote:
> On 15/02/12 15:56, Ryan Harper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've followed the building engine from source wiki[1] and I've got it
>> all running (thanks!) but to test things out, I wanted to exercise the
>> gui and other parts via the web portal.  By default, jboss is listening
>> only to localhost:8080, and I was wondering the right way to change that
>> to something else?
>> I see localhost and ports buried down in
>> ./backend/manager/conf/standalone.xml
>> but not clear if I should be mucking with those and re-deploying or
>> what.
>> Thanks for the help,
> Hi Ryan,
> This is the JBoss default.
> There are 2 options when changing the relevant ports, and you need to
> decide how to proceed;
> - ports <1024
> In Linux processes binding to this port range (for example 80, 22 ...),
> require root permissions. There are technical solutions for it, such as
> mod_ssl and iptables routin.
> - ports >=1024
> This can be resolved in standalone.xml or- http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/sql-alterdatabase.html
and now the right link- https://community.jboss.org/thread/168140



"The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind" --Bob Dylan, Blowin' in the Wind (1963)

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