[Engine-devel] MOM: oVirt engine core meeting (Wed Jan. 4th)

Doron Fediuck dfediuck at redhat.com
Wed Jan 4 15:37:40 UTC 2012

1. DB scheme verification presented by Yair.
Notes: none.

2. Pre-started VM's functionality presented by Doron.
- Consider adding the API the option to define pre-started VM's number
as a percentage of the pool size. This will make sure that when pool size
changes, the number of pre-started VM's is still relevant.

3. SPM priority functionality presented by Doron.
- New related feature needed; SPM resignation. This will allow
the admin to make sure an SPM host can resign so another host
will be elected to become an SPM. This should be further discussed.

Thanks for everyone for showing up. Cya in 2 weeks!



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