[Engine-devel] Stuck at the firewall.conf in vds_bootstrap

Shu Ming shuming at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed May 9 16:23:39 UTC 2012

   My vds_installer was stuck at running vds_bootstrap when I tried to 
add one host node in my ovirt-engine.  For some reasons, the 
/tmp/firewall.conf.* file was not downloaded and that caused 
vds_bootstrap's failure.  Is there any quick way to disable the "-f" 
option for vds_bootstrap in engine server or in host node? That will not 
allow vdsm to overwrite the firewall configurations in host.

 From the vds_install.xxxxxx.log in my host, here is the command where 
the vds_installer was stuck.

/tmp/vds_bootstrap_1a9728df-e3b4-4d7b-8258-835038587bad.py -v -O cstl -t 
2012-05-09T16:00:04 -f 

Shu Ming<shuming at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
IBM China Systems and Technology Laboratory

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