[Engine-devel] custom properties sheet feature page

Einav Cohen ecohen at redhat.com
Thu May 17 13:30:37 UTC 2012

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Jaša" <djasa at redhat.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 3:40:19 PM
> Einav Cohen píše v Čt 17. 05. 2012 v 08:10 -0400:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Please review/comment on the Custom Properties Sheet feature page:
> > http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Features/CustomPropertiesSheet
> > 
> Just my $0.02:
> The table could have always empty row at the bottom, eliminating one
> or
> all [+] buttons and saving user one needless click:
> [ key1                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
> [ key2                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
> [ key3                     |v] [ value ]     [-]
> [ "please select a key..." |v]
> The [+] buttons at first and second rows would allow user to insert a
> row at specified location to make easy custom sorting of the
> properties
> (not applicable if properties are auto-sorted, in that case, all [+]
> buttons can be actually removed).

Thanks for the input, David. This is an interesting idea.

Indeed, when choosing a key in the last row, we can automatically add a new "please select a key..." row, which actually saves the user a button-click for adding a new row.

On the other hand, from graphic-design point of view, it will look more consistent and "pretty" if:
- The "please select a key..." row won't be displayed (unless, or course, the user explicitly chose to add another row)
- All (full) rows will have both [+] and [-] buttons next to them

i.e., instead of your suggestion, which looks like this:

 [ key1                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
 [ key2                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
 [ key3                     |v] [ value ]     [-]
 [ "please select a key..." |v]

it will be "prettier" like this:

 [ key1                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
 [ key2                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
 [ key3                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]

and only if clicking on [+], it will be:

 [ key1                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
 [ key2                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
 [ key3                     |v] [ value ] [+] [-]
 [ "please select a key..." |v]

I believe that auto-sorting can be confusing, as it can result in rows "jumping" up and down whenever changing the selection(s) in the Key drop-down(s), therefore I don't think it is a good idea to implement it here.

> David
> > ----
> > Thanks,
> > Einav
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> David Jaša, RHCE
> SPICE QE based in Brno
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