[Engine-devel] [ovirt-engine-sdk] Simplify the process of the RSDL code generation

ShaoHe Feng shaohef at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon May 28 07:26:43 UTC 2012

On 05/28/2012 02:56 PM, Michael Pasternak wrote:
> On 05/27/2012 08:06 PM, ShaoHe Feng wrote:
>> On 05/26/2012 01:48 AM, Michael Pasternak wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 05/24/2012 09:13 PM, ShaoHe Fen3g wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Now I'm using the code generation suites of ovirt-engine-sdk, I find it is very troublesome.
>>> I completely agree with you, automating python entities generation is on top
>>> of my TODO stack see [1],
>>> Along with this, there was always something more important to do, and
>>> it was delayed time after time, so your help is most welcome.
>>> [1] http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/SDK#codegen
>>>> IMO,  we can simplify the process. And I want to engaged in it.
>>>> there are two tools parse the api.xsd and generate the params.py code.  They are generateds_gui.py and generateDS.py.
>>>> but there still some code can not be generate by these tools. now we should add these codes manually.
>>>> the not NOT_GENERATED codes are as follow in the current  params.py code:
>>>> 1.  import python module
>>>> 2.  a new attribute of GeneratedsSuper class
>>>> 3.  modify the get_root_tag function.
>>>> 4.  modify the parseString function to shut up the stdout.
>>>> 5.  _rootClassMap
>>>> 6 . _elementToClassMap
>>>> 7. findRootClass
>>>> And I have two ideas about the code generation.
>>>> For we should not modify the generateDS.py tools.
>>>> But we can improve it.
>>>> I think the 1, 2, 3, 7, can be hard-code, and 4, 5 and 6 can be configured.
>>>> So I want to add an configure file to tell how to add the extra code that are not generated  by generateDS.py tools.
>>>> And  new python program, as extension of generateDS.py to read the configure file and generate these codes.
>>> sounds good, btw 5,6 can be constructed programmatically using __all__ generated by generateDS
>>> and finding element name in xsd by type (from __all__).
>> should all the element name in xsd  by type be added to _rootClassMap, and no element can be exception?
> basically yes, cause _rootClassMap is<name, type>  holder which used for (by name) type retrieval,
> only exception is if certain type is not referenced by any other type (then none will look for
> it during the type construction), but i would not implement this logic.
Hi Michael,
what's your account on ovirt IRC channel?
>>>> Or without the configure file, just make the new python program that supports an interactive commands.
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