[Engine-devel] Running test suites on other OSs

Allon Mureinik amureini at redhat.com
Sun Sep 30 08:47:34 UTC 2012

Hi guys,

After some on-and-off work over the last week (thanks Daniel!), as of this morning, engine's test suite runs successfully on a couple of non-fedora/rhel OSs[1].
The easier to get/build/test the code, the more likely we'll be to get more developers on board, so let's try and keep it this way.

How to achieve this, in one sentence: "Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups"

Some slightly more detailed pointers:
1. File separators: Remember File.separatorChar? good.
2. TimeZones: If your test implicitly assumes a time zone (i.e., has anything to do with date formatting, DST changes, etc.), set it explicitly - don't assume that everyone's env shares your timezone
3. org.junit.Assume is your friend


[1] Don't ask, don't tell: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/8192/5

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