[Engine-devel] ovirt user portal and attach a cd

Omer Frenkel ofrenkel at redhat.com
Mon Apr 29 09:12:25 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrej Bagon" <andrej.bagon at arnes.si>
> To: engine-devel at ovirt.org
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 11:28:39 AM
> Subject: [Engine-devel] ovirt user portal and attach a cd
> Hi all,
> we would like to limit a user as much as possible and give him only
> actions that he needs with his VM. If we disallow a user the right in
> system|configure system|manipulate permissions), we give the user, in
> user portal, only basic mode. But then three is no option to attach a cd
> in the basic user portal. In basic mode user interface there is no
> chance in attaching a cd (as this is a basic operation a solution to
> this would be a button attaching a cd when starting a vm).
> If we allow the user to manipulate permissions, we get the extended menu
> back and the user is limited, but we found unacceptable when he is
> adding permission to the VM, he sees all the users (name, surname,
> email!) in the ovirt authentication mechanism? A solution to this would
> be authenticating to the directory service as a user an not as ovirt
> admin user - meaning that the user will see only users that we allowed
> he sees in the ldap directory.
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,
> Andrej
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well if you only need to change cd for vm,
permission wise, the userRole and basic user portal are enough, 
iirc, if using spice (on windows?) that used to be possible, this may be related:

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