[Engine-devel] about vm in vmpool

wlbleaboy@126 wlbleaboy at 126.com
Mon Jul 8 06:04:27 UTC 2013

Hi, all:

         I have using ovirt-sdk 3 monthes, I can use ovirt-sdk get vm's
infomations like

vm's name, vm's id, vm'ticket etc.


         but recently, I have a question about vm in vmpool, how could I get
vm's information

that the vm in vmpool. Especially, when a vm is at stop statuss.


         For example, when use UserPortal in the web-browser, no matter the
vm is in the vmpool,

it can be showed in the web-browser, but, I can't get vm' s information
which in the vmpool via

the ovirt-sdk.






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