[Engine-devel] Adding support for OpenLDAP to oVirt

Uwe Grawert grawert at b1-systems.de
Tue Mar 19 17:44:17 UTC 2013

Hello together,

regarding support for OpenLDAP as domain provider I found this mail from last year on ovirt-users list :http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2012-July/002791.html

I would like to add support for OpenLDAP to oVirt. As a start I had a look at ovirt-engine/backend/manager/modules/bll/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/core/bll/adbroker/ITDS* which seems to be very similar to the RHDS classes.

I simply copied all ITDS*.java files to OpenLdap*.java and changed class names and so forth from ITDS/itds to OpenLdap/openLdap. I also changed user and group attributes to make sense for OpenLDAP.  Additionally I enhanced the LdapQueryMetadataFactoryImpl class, again copying mostly from ITDS and others.

To the very last I enhanced the enum at ovirt-engine/backend/manager/modules/utils/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/core/ldap/LdapProviderType.java with an OpenLDAP entry.

Right now I do not oversee the whole LDAPBroker code. Especially I do not know how enum at LdapProviderType.java is related the code found at bll/adbroker/*.

Could you please give me some guidance and advise, if I am on the right track? I could also send a diff of all changes to the list, if that is helpful. Thanks very much.

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