[Engine-devel] about user roles

wlbleaboy@126 wlbleaboy at 126.com
Wed May 22 11:38:13 UTC 2013

Hi all:

         I have a question about user role.

Recently, I connect to ovirt-engine by ovirt-engine-sdk, use the
admin at internal 

login is ok, because admin have System Permissions. 


         But , when I have a domain named ovirt.test.com, and have a user
name leaboy

in ovirt.test.com, leaboy at ovirt.test.com can't to login ovirt-engine. I
think maybe leaboy

don't have permissions to login ovirt-engine. So , I want to know how can I
do let leaboy

login ovirt-engine, or some exist roles can let leaboy login.





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