[Engine-devel] about ticket

wlbleaboy@126 wlbleaboy at 126.com
Tue May 28 11:54:24 UTC 2013

Hi all:

         When I connect to a vm via spicec or spicy, I need a ticket, so I
get a ticket from ovirt-engine via 

ovirt-engine-sdk, and it works well.

         But I don't know how long can a ticket to use? For example, when I
got a ticket, it's validated 

In many minutes, or several hours, or always. Or in some other condition, a
ticket will invalidate.

         If a ticket have a time limits, where and how could I change it,
let it always can validated.


         I guess the ticket come from ovirt-node, when I via
ovirt-engine-sdk get a ticket, sdk will get 

ovirt-engine a POST action, and then engine-core give VDSM a command, VDSM
get it from ovirt-node

and return it to ovirt-engine. ovirt-engine-sdk use GET action to get it.


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