[Engine-devel] Using REST API in web UI - review call summary

Michael Pasternak mpastern at redhat.com
Sun Nov 24 08:38:45 UTC 2013

On 11/22/2013 12:08 AM, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Itamar Heim" <iheim at redhat.com>
>> To: "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs at redhat.com>
>> Cc: "engine-devel" <engine-devel at ovirt.org>, "Einav Cohen" <ecohen at redhat.com>, "Michael Pasternak"
>> <mpastern at redhat.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 11:00:25 PM
>> Subject: Re: Using REST API in web UI - review call summary
>> On 11/21/2013 11:56 PM, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Itamar Heim" <iheim at redhat.com>
>>>> To: "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs at redhat.com>, "engine-devel"
>>>> <engine-devel at ovirt.org>
>>>> Cc: "Einav Cohen" <ecohen at redhat.com>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 10:25:04 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Using REST API in web UI - review call summary
>>>> On 11/21/2013 11:18 PM, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> this is a summary of yesterday's review call, I'll try to highlight
>>>>> important Q/A and things we agreed on. Feel free to add anything in case
>>>>> I've missed something.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Q: Why don't we simply try to use existing Java SDK and adapt it for GWT
>>>>> apps? (asked by Michael & Gilad)
>>>>> A: This might be a viable option to consider if we wanted to skip
>>>>> JavaScript-based SDK altogether and target Java/GWT code directly; we
>>>>> could simply take Java SDK and customize its abstractions where
>>>>> necessary,
>>>>> i.e. using HTTP transport layer implementation that works with GWT. In
>>>>> any
>>>>> case, this would mean coupling ourselves to Java SDK (which has its own
>>>>> release cycle) and I think this would complicate things for us.
>>>>> As proposed on the meeting, I think it's best to aim for JavaScript SDK
>>>>> as
>>>>> the lowest common denominator for *any* web application that wants to
>>>>> work
>>>>> with REST API. oVirt GWT-based UI can simply bind to JavaScript SDK, i.e.
>>>>> Java/GWT code that just overlays objects and functions provided by
>>>>> JavaScript SDK. Another reason is ease of maintenance - I'd rather see
>>>>> JavaScript SDK's code generation process to be independent of any other
>>>>> SDK (people responsible for maintaining JavaScript SDK should have full
>>>>> control over generated code).
>>>>> --
>>>>> Q: What about functionality currently used by oVirt UI but not supported
>>>>> by
>>>>> REST API? (asked by Einav)
>>>>>      [For example, fetching VM entity over GWT RPC also returns related
>>>>>      data
>>>>>      such as Cluster name.]
>>>>> A: Based on discussion I've had with other colleagues after yesterday's
>>>>> review call, I don't think that separate support-like backend layer is a
>>>>> good idea. Instead, this is the kind of functionality that could be
>>>>> placed
>>>>> in oVirt.js library. Logical operations like "get VMs and related data"
>>>>> would be exposed through oVirt.js (callback-based) API and ultimately
>>>>> realized as multiple physical requests to REST API via JavaScript
>>>>> Binding.
>>>>> oVirt.js client would be completely oblivious to the fact that multiple
>>>>> physical requests are dispatched. In fact, since HTTP communication is
>>>>> asynchronous in nature, oVirt.js client wouldn't even notice any
>>>>> difference in terms of API consumption. This assumes JavaScript SDK would
>>>>> use callback-based (non-blocking) API instead of blocking one - after
>>>>> all,
>>>>> blocking API on top of non-blocking implementation sounds pretty much
>>>>> like
>>>>> leaky abstraction [1].
>>>>> For example:
>>>>>       sdk.getVmsWithExtraData(
>>>>>           callbackToGetExtraDataForGivenVm, // might cause extra physical
>>>>>           requests to REST API
>>>>>           callbackFiredWhenAllDataIsReady   // update client only when
>>>>>           all
>>>>>           data is ready
>>>>>       )
>>>> would this also resolve RunMultipleActions?
>>> Yes, I think so. There could be API to pass multiple "actions" and get
>>> notified when they complete.
>>>> sounds like no reason to have RunMultipleQueries, although i'm still
>>>> sure a single call to engine for multiple keys would be much more
>>>> efficient than multiple async calls?
>>>> (I understand we may not be able to model this).
>>> Efficiency-wise, yes, single call to get all data seems optimal. API-wise,
>>> I don't think it really matters from oVirt.js client perspective.
>>> We can proceed with simple (possibly inefficient) solution and improve as
>>> needed. We're making baby steps now..
>>>>> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_abstraction
>>>>> --
>>>>> Last but not least, where to maintain JavaScript SDK projects: low-level
>>>>> JavaScript Binding + high-level oVirt.js library.
>>>>> I agree that conceptually both above mentioned projects should go into
>>>>> dedicated "ovirt-engine-sdk-js" git repository and have their own
>>>>> build/release process. However, for now, we're just making baby steps so
>>>>> let's keep things simple and prototype these projects as part of
>>>>> "ovirt-engine" git repository.
>>>>> ... we can complicate things anytime, but we should know that any complex
>>>>> system that works has inevitably evolved from simple system that works
>>>>> ...
>>>>> (quote from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gall%27s_law)
>>>> I think the entities should just be generated from the xsd.
>>> +1
>>> The JavaScript Binding (aka low-level SDK) module should follow same
>>> concepts as existing Java SDK - generated entities decorated with
>>> operations to form fluent API.
>>> Everything Java SDK currently offers should be available in JavaScript
>>> Binding. oVirt.js is our opportunity to build on top of that.
>>>> for the rsdl, makes sense to start with clean code to see what works
>>>> best, then see about generating it (but you should adhere the rsdl as
>>>> guidlines i guess).
>>> +1
>>> The initial prototype should be written by hand, things will get generated
>>> as soon as we have better idea how the end result should look like.
>> i can understand that for the methods and maybe for populating the
>> entities for the first few.
>> the entities themselves, no point in hand coding - just generated them
>> from the api.xsd.
>> and once you decide how you want to fill them, not worth hand coding
>> this - either json gives this out of the box, or should be generated as
>> well.
> OK, now I get you :) sure, entities aren't too interesting by themselves, but populating (decorating) them is something that requires more thought.

you have Java-SDK that does this already, so it should be relativity easy
to take it from there.

>>>> lets try to plan for lightweight entities while at it - the API has a
>>>> mechanism for different level of details - maybe we need a custom level
>>>> where the client specifies which fields they want back or something like
>>>> that.
>>> Good idea! We should definitely think about the granularity of entities.
>>> I didn't know REST API supports different level of detail per entity, is
>>> there some documentation for this feature?
>>> Since JavaScript is dynamic, one possible solution would be to let client
>>> define the entity structure (i.e. what data client needs) on the fly,
>>> during runtime :)
>> michael?
>>>> Good luck,
>>>>      Itamar


Michael Pasternak
RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D

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