[ovirt-devel] [Features] Special Request for Feature Page Cleanup Projecy

Brian Proffitt bproffit at redhat.com
Wed Apr 30 15:18:05 UTC 2014


It has been requested that we add date/timestamps to the Features pages in order to highlight the age of each page and assist users in determining how fresh information is. After investigating various options to do this within the database or using automated code, it seems that the old-fashioned manual way is still the best option. This is because an automated solution would only insert the needed strings, but not the actual data that pertains to that feature.

To divide this work among the community, I have made an inventory of all of the features pages in the oVirt.org site as of 3/30/14, located at http://bit.ly/1iA1HQ3.

If everyone can take a look at this sheet (check the tabs on the bottom, too) and find the pages they created or for which they are responsible, the following steps should be taken for pages that are marked "Yes" in "Needs Datestamp":

1. Add the following line to the top of each page, under the first heading:

{{Feature|name=[Name of Feature]}|modules=[Node(s) of feature]|version=[oVirt version number]|status=Released}}

2. On the Feature page spreadsheet on Google Docs, change the "Yes" in "Needs Datestamp" to "No."

This new Feature template string will add the time and date information to the page automatically.

If, along the way, you find features that have been deprecated, or feature pages that are duplicates, these pages should be cleaned up as well. Ideally, this should not take too much time for each individual, and the effort will be a big step towards documentation consistency on the oVirt site.

If you have any questions/concerns, send them my way.


Brian Proffitt

oVirt Community Manager
Project Atomic Community Lead
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC

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