[Engine-devel] [oVirt 3.4 Localization Question #4] "$vmStatus"

Yuko Katabami ykatabam at redhat.com
Thu Feb 13 05:31:59 UTC 2014


Sorry to bother you again.
I have one more question.
**Resource ID:* start with"VAR__VM_STATUS_"*
**Strings:***start with "$vmStatus"
*Question: *I would like to check to see if those VM statues should be 
translated. In the previous releases, we were advised that the statuses 
included in the listhere 
were untranslated (and these were not pushed to translation). The new 
strings starting with "$vmStatus" seem to be mostly the same list, but 
maybe for a different usage? (thus should be translated?)

Kind regards,

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