[ovirt-devel] oVirt Node ISO rpm-wrapper update

Fabian Deutsch fabiand at redhat.com
Mon May 12 11:05:53 UTC 2014


the "wrapper rpm" I am going to talk about is an rpm which contains the
Node ISO image which can be used easily with oVirt Engine.
yum can be used to update this rpm and retrieve the latest oVirt Node
iso for easy consumption.

For some time we did not deliver Node for Engine in a wrapper rpm
because a lot of things have changed (see below for the full story).

To get this working again I've been cleaning up the repo and the
contained spec.

Th repo layout is now:
node-3.0 branch:
  Builds the base image from scratch

ovirt-3.4 branch:
  Builds the iso for Engine using edit-node and the base image

  Open issues: A repo file needs to be generated on each build which 
  contains all the relevant oVirt repositories.

Sandro, do you have an idea how we can retrieve all list of all relevant
oVirt repositories using some curl oneliner?
The repositories are needed by edit-node to pull in the dependencies of
ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm (vdsm, gluster, ...).

The changes are _slightly_ tested, and once they are in a better shape
we can update Jenkins to use these repos to build the image and rpm for

Technical background story:
The problem was that the basic way of how the oVirt Node for Engine ISO
was build was dramatically changed.

Originally the vdsm packages were part of Node's build process.
You build the Node and it was usable with Engine.

Now - After we introduced plugins, vdsm was migrated into a plugin
(ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm) and the plugin is not part of Node's build
process. ISOs we build these days do not contain vdsm specific bits and
are called "base images".
So if you build Node these days, it is _not_ usable with Engine.
Don't Panic.

The ovirt-node-plugin-vdsm is added to the "base image" in a second step
using edit-node. This process is now used in ovirt-3.4 branch, where
also the spec file for the wrapper-rpm resides.

- fabian

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