[ovirt-devel] new build parameter for GWT CSS debugging

Greg Sheremeta gshereme at redhat.com
Thu May 29 19:42:11 UTC 2014


We added a new build parameter called gwt.cssResourceStyle that can tell the GWT compiler to not obfuscate the names of CSS classes in its output. This is tremendously helpful when debugging CSS issues. In Firebug or similar, you'll see '<div class="GL1HI05BCHD-org-ovirt-engine-ui-common-widget-table-SimpleActionTable_WidgetUiBinderImpl_GenCss_style-headerContainer" ...' 
instead of just '<div class="GL1HI05BKOD" ...'.
so you can see that you need to look for 'headerContainer' to modify this div.

To use the new option, pass '-Dgwt.cssResourceStyle=pretty' to DEV_EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS_GWT_DEFAULTS.

I use a bash alias like so: 
alias ovirt_build='make clean install-dev PREFIX=$HOME/ovirt-engine DEV_EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS_GWT_DEFAULTS=" -Dgwt.cssResourceStyle=pretty -Dgwt.userAgent=gecko1_8,safari"'

gwt.cssResourceStyle will default to the GWT default, obf ('obfuscated'), if you don't include this extra parameter.



Greg Sheremeta
Red Hat, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer, RHEV
Cell: 919-807-1086
gshereme at redhat.com

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