[ovirt-devel] [oVirt 3.6 Localization Question #23] "NetworkAttachment" vs "Network Attachment"

Yuko Katabami ykatabam at redhat.com
Mon Aug 3 05:25:51 UTC 2015

Hi all,

We have another question which need your help.


Resource IDs:***
Strings: *
Cannot ${action} ${type}. *NetworkAttachment* (id ${referrerId}) does
not reference network coherently. Network name and id reference
different networks: networkId ${referringId} networkName ${referringName}.
Cannot ${action} ${type}. *NetworkAttachment* (id ${ENTITY_ID}) does not
reference nic coherently. Nic name and id references different nic:
nicId ${referringId} nicName ${referringName}.
Provided *NetworkAttachments* contains duplicates.

*Question: *Those three strings contain the term "NetworkAttachment"
instead of "Network Attachment". Could I confirm these do not have to be
literal and we can translate them as "Network Attachment"?

Kind regards,

Yuko Katabami

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