[ovirt-devel] [VDSM] flaky networking test

Nir Soffer nsoffer at redhat.com
Thu Apr 28 20:02:13 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I think we have a pending patch for this, perhaps we should merge it?

19:32:54 ======================================================================
19:32:54 ERROR: test_local_auto_with_dynamic_address_from_ra
19:32:54 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19:32:54 Traceback (most recent call last):
19:32:54   File
line 97, in wrapper
19:32:54     return f(*args, **kwargs)
19:32:54   File
line 446, in test_local_auto_with_dynamic_address_from_ra
19:32:54     self.assertEqual('link', ip_addrs[1]['scope'])
19:32:54   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 24, in __exit__
19:32:54     self.gen.next()
19:32:54   File
line 405, in dnsmasq_run
19:32:54     server.stop()
19:32:54   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 24, in __exit__
19:32:54     self.gen.next()
19:32:54   File
line 45, in allow_dhcp
19:32:54     _forbid_dhcp(iface)
19:32:54   File
line 89, in _forbid_dhcp
19:32:54     '67', '-j', 'ACCEPT'])  # DHCPv4
19:32:54   File
line 110, in _execCmdChecker
19:32:54     command, out, err))
19:32:54 FirewallError: Command ['/sbin/iptables', '-D', 'INPUT',
'-i', 'veth_qjA94YJwY8', '-p', 'udp', '--sport', '68', '--dport',
'67', '-j', 'ACCEPT'] failed with []; ['Another app is currently
holding the xtables lock. Perhaps you want to use the -w option?']
19:32:54 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip link
add name veth_qjA94YJwY8 type veth peer name veth_NLC6ccMcUU (cwd
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = ''; <rc> = 0
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1
/usr/sbin/dnsmasq --dhcp-authoritative -p 0 --dhcp-option=3
--dhcp-option=6 -i veth_qjA94YJwY8 -I lo -d --bind-dynamic --enable-ra
--dhcp-range=2001:1:1:1::,slaac,2m (cwd None)
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/service
iptables status (cwd None)
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = 'Redirecting to /bin/systemctl
status  iptables.service\nRunning in chroot, ignoring request.\n';
<rc> = 0
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/iptables
--wait -I INPUT -i veth_qjA94YJwY8 -p udp --sport 68 --dport 67 -j
ACCEPT (cwd None)
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = ''; <rc> = 0
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/iptables
--wait -I INPUT -i veth_qjA94YJwY8 -p udp --sport 546 --dport 547 -j
ACCEPT (cwd None)
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = ''; <rc> = 0
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip link
set dev veth_NLC6ccMcUU up (cwd None)
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = ''; <rc> = 0
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip link
set dev veth_qjA94YJwY8 up (cwd None)
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = ''; <rc> = 0
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip -6 addr
add dev veth_qjA94YJwY8 2001:1:1:1::1/64 (cwd None)
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = ''; <rc> = 0
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: dnsmasq: started, version 2.75 DNS disabled
19:32:54 dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-i18n
IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC loop-detect
19:32:54 dnsmasq: warning: interface veth_qjA94YJwY8 does not currently exist
19:32:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: router advertisement on 2001:1:1:1::
19:32:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: IPv6 router advertisement enabled
19:32:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: RTR-SOLICIT(veth_qjA94YJwY8) ce:82:16:6e:a5:7d
19:32:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: RTR-ADVERT(veth_qjA94YJwY8) 2001:1:1:1::
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/service
iptables status (cwd None)
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = 'Redirecting to /bin/systemctl
status  iptables.service\nRunning in chroot, ignoring request.\n';
<rc> = 0
19:32:54 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/iptables
-D INPUT -i veth_qjA94YJwY8 -p udp --sport 68 --dport 67 -j ACCEPT
(cwd None)
19:32:55 root: DEBUG: FAILED: <err> = 'Another app is currently
holding the xtables lock. Perhaps you want to use the -w option?\n';
<rc> = 4
19:32:55 root: DEBUG: /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-1 /sbin/ip link
del dev veth_qjA94YJwY8 (cwd None)
19:32:55 root: DEBUG: SUCCESS: <err> = ''; <rc> = 0
19:32:55 --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

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