[ovirt-devel] How to add ovs-based VM in version 4.0.2? Thank you

Dan Kenigsberg danken at redhat.com
Mon Aug 1 08:07:37 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 01, 2016 at 02:02:52PM +0800, lifuqiong wrote:
> Hi, I upgrade my ovirt to version, how to using ovs in this version?
> Is there any instruction? Thank you          

Please note and note well: OVS is not production-grade yet. It is only a
preliminary tech preview, under active development.

However, we'd be very happy to get your help in testing it (and possibly
fixing it, too).

When defining a new cluster, you should see a check box, letting you
select OVS for that cluster. After being checked, each VM network that
is defined in your cluster would be implemented with OVS instead of
Linux bridge.

As aluded before, there are plenty of known definciencies (e.g., no
persistence of ip config on VM network, no live migration, not all bond
modes, etc etc). But do not hesitate to raise other issues with the
devel mailing list.

Happy testing!


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