[ovirt-devel] Alternatives to automatically move bugs to MODIFIED

Eli Mesika emesika at redhat.com
Wed Aug 17 09:06:12 UTC 2016

I also got this, especially when bugs should be back-ported
+1 for option #1

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 10:10 AM, Yedidyah Bar David <didi at redhat.com>

> Hi all,
> We currently have a bot that automatically moves bugs from POST to MODIFIED
> if all linked patches on gerrit are merged.
> It happened to me personally several times that this was a wrong thing to
> do,
> either because a new patch was still needed but not pushed yet, or because
> an existing patch should have been back-ported to another branch and wasn't
> yet. Since I usually pay more attention to my bug in POST, I sometimes
> missed
> this and handled the missing patches (backports, usually) later than I
> could
> if left on POST.
> I have a feeling I am not the only one. So I suggest to stop doing this.
> I can think of several alternatives:
> 1. Do nothing. I think that's reasonable - I think most people pay more
> attention to POST bugs anyway.
> 2. Set needinfo on bug owner.
> 3. Send some alert email to relevant people (bug owner, existing patches
> owners,
> perhaps others - e.g. reviewers of existing patches, perhaps those
> that actually reviewed, etc.). Need to think how to make it not too
> annoying for others but
> still effective also if owner is on long PTO or something like that. New
> flag
> doesn't have to be very specific - can be called something like 'attention
> needed' or something like that.
> 4. Add a new flag for that and set it. This will allow easier
> filtering/reporting.
> What do you think?
> --
> Didi
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