[ovirt-devel] [VDSM] testMethodWithIntParam (bridgeTests.BridgeTests) failing

Nir Soffer nsoffer at redhat.com
Thu May 12 00:20:57 UTC 2016

This tests started failing recently

23:10:06 ======================================================================
23:10:06 ERROR: testMethodWithIntParam (bridgeTests.BridgeTests)
23:10:06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23:10:06 Traceback (most recent call last):
23:10:06   File
line 133, in wrapper
23:10:06     return f(*args, **kw)
23:10:06   File
line 168, in testMethodWithIntParam
23:10:06     self.assertEqual(bridge.dispatch('VM.migrationCreate')(**params),
23:10:06   File
line 271, in _dynamicMethod
23:10:06     raise InvalidCall(fn, methodArgs, e)
23:10:06 InvalidCall: Attempt to call function: <bound method
VM.migrationCreate of <bridgeTests.VM instance at 0x7fbf3d64bef0>>
with arguments: ({'vmID': '773adfc7-10d4-4e60-b700-3272ee1871f9'},)
error: migrationCreate() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
23:10:06 -------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
23:10:06 DynamicBridge: ERROR: TypeError raised by dispatched function
23:10:06 Traceback (most recent call last):
23:10:06   File
line 268, in _dynamicMethod
23:10:06     result = fn(*methodArgs)
23:10:06 TypeError: migrationCreate() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
23:10:06 --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

I sent a patch to mark it as broken:

The issue should be resolved when https://gerrit.ovirt.org/53305/
will be merged.

Dan, please take this patch until the schema change is ready.


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