[ovirt-devel] sslStompReactor just created once, may cause engine failed to connect to new node

Irit Goihman igoihman at redhat.com
Tue Dec 26 08:37:33 UTC 2017

Can you explain your question?
Why engine certs are changed?


On Mon, Dec 25, 2017 at 3:26 AM, pengyixiang <yxpengi386 at 163.com> wrote:

> hello, everyone!
>      I use ScenarioClient to call vdsm-jsonrpc-client, but I find after my
> engine connected to one node, I new a node, then the certs(engine.p12) is
> changed,
> but engine can not connected to new node, at last, I find the problem in
> there [1],  and I think rpc's certs to node that is still old, so I try to
> changed code to [2],
> then repeat the test way, it works well, the ovirt's engine doesn't meet
> the trouble and how did you do? client is created like this [3].
> [1]   https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm-jsonrpc-java/blob/
> 078233e60c24f8b8525b3bf5fb1c5ab9f1c4e0f4/client/src/main/
> java/org/ovirt/vdsm/jsonrpc/client/reactors/ReactorFactory.java#L76
> [2]
>     private static Reactor getSslStompReactor(ManagerProvider provider) throws ClientConnectionException {
> //        if (sslStompReactor != null) {
> //            return sslStompReactor;
> //        }
>         synchronized (ReactorFactory.class) {
> //            if (sslStompReactor != null) {
> //                return sslStompReactor;
> //            }
>             try {
>                 sslStompReactor = new SSLStompReactor(provider.getSSLContext());
>             } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) {
>                 throw new ClientConnectionException(e);
>             }
>         }
>         return sslStompReactor;
>     }
> [3]
> public ScenarioClient(String hostname, int port) throws ClientConnectionException {
>     this.reactor = ReactorFactory.getReactor(ProviderFactory.getProvider(), ReactorType.STOMP);
>     final ReactorClient client = this.reactor.createClient(hostname, port);
>     client.setClientPolicy(new DefaultStompConnectionPolicy());
>     this.worker = ReactorFactory.getWorker(PARALLELISM);
>     this.jsonClient = this.worker.register(client);
>     this.jsonClient.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultStompClientPolicy());
> }
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