[ovirt-devel] Reminder: we have Wildfly's web mgmt console (with auth)

Roy Golan rgolan at redhat.com
Mon Jan 16 08:20:25 UTC 2017

For quite some time now we can access Wildfly's web console on

It's the UI equivalent of jboss.cli but much more convenient. Example of
tasks you can perform there:
- Change logging settings, live
- Tweak the managed thread pool (will send a different thread about it)
- Shutdown/reload the service
- Tweak db connection details
- Get info/stats on the running setup EE components and more

One of the main advantages over the old jmx method is that it uses a plugin
to authenticate the engine user so your credentials should be admin at internal
or any superuser for that matter.

The default is to expose it to localhost and that could be change in
services/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.in.For firewalled setups, you can
ssh tunnel your machine to overcome that as always.

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