[ovirt-devel] Failing tests for storage-py27.

Petr Kotas pkotas at redhat.com
Mon Jul 31 14:50:40 UTC 2017


I have encountered an issue with VDSM master when running tests.
Maybe I am doing something wrong, or I am overlooking something.

This is a clear master without any modification pulled with the latest
Did anyone please encountered the same issue:

================================================== FAILURES
______________________________________ TestDirectioChecker.test_path_ok

self = <storage.check_test.TestDirectioChecker testMethod=test_path_ok>

    def test_path_ok(self):
        self.checks = 1
        with temporaryPath(data=b"blah") as path:
            checker = check.DirectioChecker(self.loop, path, self.complete)
            result = self.results[0]
>           delay = result.delay()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <CheckResult path=/var/tmp/tmpPpV1Rj rc=0 err=bytearray(b'0+1
records in\n0+1 ... copied, 0,000496228 s, 8,1 kB/s\n') time=4299448.73
elapsed=0.00 at 0x3b72390>

    def delay(self):
        # TODO: Raising MiscFileReadException for all errors to keep the old
        # behavior. Should probably use StorageDomainAccessError.
        if self.rc != 0:
            raise exception.MiscFileReadException(self.path, self.rc,
        if not self.err:
            raise exception.MiscFileReadException(self.path, "no stats")
        stats = self.err.splitlines()[-1]
        match = self._PATTERN.match(stats)
        if not match:
            raise exception.MiscFileReadException(self.path,
>                                                 "no match: %r" % stats)
E           MiscFileReadException: Internal file read failure:
('/var/tmp/tmpPpV1Rj', "no match: bytearray(b'4 bytes (4 B) copied,
0,000496228 s, 8,1 kB/s')")

../lib/vdsm/storage/check.py:372: MiscFileReadException
-------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call
[<CheckResult path=/var/tmp/tmpPpV1Rj rc=0 err=bytearray(b'0+1 records
in\n0+1 records out\n4 bytes (4 B) copied, 0,000496228 s, 8,1 kB/s\n')
time=4299448.73 elapsed=0.00 at 0x3b72390>]
============================================ 93 tests deselected
====================== 1 failed, 1166 passed, 6 skipped, 93 deselected in
86.13 seconds ======================
ERROR: InvocationError: '/vagrant/vdsm/.tox/storage-py27/bin/py.test -m not
(slow or stress) storage'
storage-py35 create: /vagrant/vdsm/.tox/storage-py35
ERROR: InterpreterNotFound: python3.5
storage-py36 create: /vagrant/vdsm/.tox/storage-py36
ERROR: InterpreterNotFound: python3.6

Thank You,
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