[ovirt-devel] Help understanding the conflict with libvirt-guests.service - gerrit patch 78693

Petr Kotas pkotas at redhat.com
Fri Jun 30 10:41:11 UTC 2017


I am kindly asking for help with understanding the origin of conflict
within the *libvirt-guests*.service and *vdsmd.service*.


I am working on a graceful VM shutdown as described by the feature in a
Bugzilla https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1334982.

One way (the simplest one as described in the Bugzilla) of achieving the
required functionality is to utilize *"libvirt-guests.service"*, which does
exactly what is required. The second option is to write a new service that
does the shutdown and utilizes the *vdsm.* Since I am new, I do not know
what is the best solution.

Staying with the fist one I have discovered an old conflict between
*and *"libvirt-guests.service"* explained in bug
<https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=720359> I have tried to
reproduce described scenario and found that it is no longer an issue.
Therefore I have created a *proposal draft* patch to start a discussion,
whether it is really needed or not.

Further, the research in git history showed this conflict precedes the git
history, effectively blocking me in understanding details.

Does somebody know about this issue? I am grateful for any information that
can point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Kind regards,
Petr Kotas
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