[ovirt-devel] Subject: [ OST Failure Report ] [ master ] [20-09-2017 ] [ post-002_bootstrap.py ]

Barak Korren bkorren at redhat.com
Thu Sep 21 06:26:12 UTC 2017

בתאריך 20 בספט׳ 2017 05:44 PM,‏ "Juan Hernández" <jhernand at redhat.com> כתב:

I am aware of that build failure. The tests of the *Ruby* SDK hang
apparently random in ppc64le environments. I am trying to find out why, but
not making much progress, to be honest.

Meanwhile I wonder why this is a failure to run OST tests, as the Ruby SDK
isn't used at all in those tests, as far as I know.

This is not actually failing OST, its making CQ not run OST at all, since
it verifies builds pass before trying.

Barak Korren
bkorren at redhat.com
RHCE, RHCi, RHV-DevOps Team

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