Change in ovirt-engine[master]: core: deadlock and unneeded db/vdsm calls when creating dis...

derez at derez at
Thu Jan 10 14:54:48 UTC 2013

Daniel Erez has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: core: deadlock and unneeded db/vdsm calls  when creating diskless snapshots.

core: deadlock and unneeded db/vdsm calls  when creating diskless snapshots.

This patch removes uneeded vdsm and db calls in case of an diskless
snapshots and also solves a occuring deadlock.

1. No need to call endSuccesfully method when creating diskless
snapshots at the moment, the call to endSuccesfully can perform uneeded
vdsm call if the VM is running.

2. When creating diskless snapshot, a new transaction is opened within
endSuccesfully, calling endSuccesfully in case that we already run in
transaction will cause that we won't see newly added data from the new
transaction and FK caused deadlock in the db, as a new
snapshot that references a vm is inserted(acquires FK db lock on the vm
row) and later on we try to update the same row from the newly created
transaction thus creating a deadlock.

Change-Id: I2ca72a2b7b881827493ddec5c53bd2c485a74084
Signed-off-by: Liron Aravot <laravot at>
M backend/manager/modules/bll/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/core/bll/
M backend/manager/modules/bll/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/core/bll/snapshots/
2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

  Daniel Erez: Verified; Looks good to me, approved

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I2ca72a2b7b881827493ddec5c53bd2c485a74084
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Project: ovirt-engine
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Liron Aravot <laravot at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Arik Hadas <ahadas at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Daniel Erez <derez at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Liron Aravot <laravot at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Maor Lipchuk <mlipchuk at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Omer Frenkel <ofrenkel at>

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