Change in ovirt-engine[master]: engine: AddVdsSpmIdCommand throw exception when...

emesika at emesika at
Sun Jan 27 13:31:46 UTC 2013

Eli Mesika has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: engine: AddVdsSpmIdCommand throw exception when...

engine: AddVdsSpmIdCommand throw exception when...

AddVdsSpmIdCommand throw exception when trying to edit cluster and we have
more than one host attached to these cluster.
The bug is regression caused by commit 4b9a4cfaee613e3254735f06df339840ebc8c4fc.
The problem is the following:
UpdateVdsGroupCommand running inside transaction.
canDoAction() of AddVdsSpmIdCommand is running outside those transaction.
In canDoAction() was retrieved a list of already existed spm_ids.
execute() of AddVdsSpmIdCommand is running inside same transaction as UpdateVdsGroupCommand.
As a result a second AddVdsSpmIdCommand is retrieving a list of spm_ids but with out id inserted
by first AddVdsSpmIdCommand, because of it is still not committed and canDoAction() is running outside

Solution: move appropriate logic to execute().
Also for internal command there are no meaning to put
some checks inside canDoAction(), the internal command is not logged and a result of canDoAction() will
not be passed to client.

Change-Id: I7f8aa6b6cb3dfc1508a99c53553afc2e15009b68
Signed-off-by: Michael Kublin <mkublin at>
M backend/manager/modules/bll/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/core/bll/
M backend/manager/modules/bll/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/core/bll/
2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

  Eli Mesika: Verified; Looks good to me, approved

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I7f8aa6b6cb3dfc1508a99c53553afc2e15009b68
Gerrit-PatchSet: 4
Gerrit-Project: ovirt-engine
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Eli Mesika <emesika at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Eli Mesika <emesika at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Michael Kublin <mkublin at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Omer Frenkel <ofrenkel at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Yair Zaslavsky <yzaslavs at>

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