[Engine-devel] Introduce a change to oVirt-engine-core DB

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Tue Nov 15 12:20:47 UTC 2011

On 11/15/2011 10:15 AM, Mike Kolesnik wrote:
> In this method, "single table inheritance", the fields which are not in the base type are still kept in the same table. This way you gain simplicity and order in the DB, while you give up constraints which need to be kept at the logic level. It's a tradeoff which I think would be good in this case, since the amount of different fields is small.
> The differnet types simply map to certain fields that they need, much like a view on the table.
>> looking at the fields different right now, i think a single table
>> would
>> be fine. in the future splitting entity specific fields could be
>> revisited.
> Of course this whole thing can be undone without much work if somewhere along the road we deicde that it wasn't a good idea.

doesn't have to be undone. you could also just spin off the columns 
which aren't shared by the two entities.
anyway - i think we are agreeing

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