[Engine-devel] Quota feature description

Maor mlipchuk at redhat.com
Thu Nov 17 18:16:22 UTC 2011

I updated the detailedQuota wiki, to sharpen that the Quota is managed
from the engine-core perspective.

Your suggestion about the number of snapshots per image is quite
interesting, I think a PM should give an opinion about it.
Although I'm not sure the limitation, should be in the Quota scope,
maybe it is more accurate to set it as a limit in the VM scope. or the
image scope instead.

On 11/17/2011 05:41 PM, Saggi Mizrahi wrote:
> On Thu 17 Nov 2011 03:29:48 PM IST, Maor wrote:
>> Hi Saggi, thanks for the comments, please see my comments in line
>> On 11/17/2011 02:36 PM, Saggi Mizrahi wrote:
>>> On Wed 16 Nov 2011 02:48:40 PM IST, Maor wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> The Quota feature description is published under the following links:
>>>>     http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Features/DetailedQuota
>>>>     http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Features/Quota
>>>> Notice that screens of UI mockups should be updated.
>>>> Please feel free, to share your comments about it.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Maor
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>>> I can't see how the host is supposed to enforce and handle it. Pause the
>>> VM? Crash it? raise ENOMEM\ENOSPC in the guest?
>> The enforcement and handling, should be from the engine scope and not
>> from the Host perspective.
>> Actually the Host, should not be aware of Quota at all.
>>> Also what about cases of KSM\QCow2, disk\memory overcommit.
>> on QCOW issue, the active disk should consume the full potential space
>> from the Quota, since we are not sure how much space will be in use,
>> slthough the snapshot disk, will be updated to consume only its real
>> size from the Quota.
>> you can check the Enforcement section :
>> "When dealing with QCOW disks (which is not pre-allocated, like
>> templates or stateless VM) the Quota should consume the total maximum
>> size of the disk, since it is the potential size that can be used."
>> for overcommit issue, please see CRUD section in the WIKI:
>> "...However, users will not be able to exceed the Quota limitations
>> again after the resources are released."
>>> Disk Templates.
>>> Storage for hibernation disk.
>>> Temporary and shared disks.
>> same logic as above (Enforcement section)
>>> Shared disks between VMs owned by different users.
>> Please see Dependencies / Related Features and Projects:
>> "When handling plug/unplug disks or attach/detach disks, the entity will
>> still consume resources from its configured original Quota it was
>> created on. "
>> Which means the disk should consume from the same Quota all the time
>> (not dependent on the users that use it).
>>> Backup snapshots (should they count in the quota? They are transient)
>> When ever a volume is created whether it is snapshot, backup snapshot,
>> stateless disk, or any QCOW implementation, the enforcement should the
>> the same as described above (see Enforcement section)
>>> I also don't see how vcpu limiting is any good? I don't even know what
>>> it means. What happens in migration between hosts with different amount
>>> of physical CPUs?
>> The "atomic" section that Quota is handling in the run time scope is
>> cluster.
>> Actually for the user migration will be transparent since it is consumed
>> from the same Quota, the only validation the VM should encounter will be
>> the same as before in the Host perspective.
>>> I also don't think CPU limiting is even a thing to be managed by a
>>> quota. There is no reason not to use 100% of the CPU if you are the only
>>> VM active. CPU scheduling should use a priority model and not a quota
>>> IMHO.
>> Again, the Quota should be managed from the engine level, and should not
>> be reflected in the Host implementation.
>> Try to look at it, as an abstract management mechanism for taking notes
>> and managing resource consumes for the Administrator.
>> A priority model is an interesting thought.
>> Now it can be supported, by using different grace percentage from one
>> Quota to another, or maybe create different Quota for Different type of
>> users.
> So I understand there is a pure disconnect between host lever quotas and
> policies and this quota feature.
> Speaking with Livnat and Maor I see this is a good use case for an ovirt
> user to allow simple quotas to clients.
> It just feels like a feature that should be implemented as part of a
> grater policy structure validating user actions and not as a strict quota.
> I think snapshots and images should have different quotas where images
> are capped by size and snapshots are capped by number.
> Think of it from a hosting provider perspective. I want each client to
> get a maximum of 30GB of storage.
> I can limit them to 30GB. And let them calculated that if they made a
> 16GB worth of VM they can never snapshot it. On the other hand I can
> chose to limit them to 10GB and allow up to 2 snapshots to each clients.
> This way I know each client will take up to 30 GB and there will be no
> complaints when the user created a VM and now he can't snapshot it.
> Snapshotting can also be capped on the image level instead of the user
> level (3 snapshots per image). I tend to go towards the latter because
> it'll keep multiple disk VM snapshots from failing due to depleted quota.
> This will also make complaints about the pessimistic storage estimation
> invalid.

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