[Engine-devel] Ovirt/VDSM installation Status

Ronen Angluster ranglust at redhat.com
Sun Nov 20 16:03:32 UTC 2011


We successfully installed Ovirt-engine & VDSM (on the same host!) from 
the ovirt's repository.

The Steps were as following:
1. add a repository to /etc/yum.repo.d (will be replaced by a RPM 
package containing all the needed information)
2. execute: "yum install -y ovirt-engine; yum install -y vdsm*"
3. disable NetworkManager and activating the network service
4. create a bridge interface named "engine"
5. change configuration in /etc/libvirt/qeum.conf 
/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf & /etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf
6. configure postgresql for first time installation
7. execute /usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/create_db_devel.sh
8. change vdc_options option 'EmulatedMachine' from 'rhel6.2.0' to 
'pc-0.14' (known bug in ovirt-engine, patch already submitted)
9. start vdsm & jboss services

After those steps were carried, we were able to:
1. add new data center, cluster & host
2. configure storage
3. create and run a new VM

a wiki page containing all the necessary information will be delivered 


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