[Engine-devel] network - UI Sync meeting

Roy Golan rgolan at redhat.com
Tue Feb 14 15:08:19 UTC 2012

The following is a new meeting request:

Subject: network - UI Sync meeting 
Organizer: "Roy Golan" <rgolan at redhat.com> 

Time: Monday, February 20, 2012, 4:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM GMT +02:00 Jerusalem
Invitees: mkenneth at redhat.com; sgrinber at redhat.com; lpeer at redhat.com; dfediuck at redhat.com; drankevi at redhat.com; ecohen at redhat.com; iheim at redhat.com; ovedo at redhat.com; acathrow at redhat.com; engine-devel at ovirt.org; kroberts at redhat.com 


Bridge ID: 1814335863 

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