[Engine-devel] JDK Failures with .gwttar

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Wed Jul 24 11:57:02 UTC 2013

On 07/24/2013 02:46 PM, Leonardo Bianconi wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Itamar Heim [mailto:iheim at redhat.com]
>> Sent: terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013 12:44
>> To: Leonardo Bianconi
>> Cc: Vitor de Lima; Gustavo Frederico Temple Pedrosa; engine-devel; Vojtech Szocs; Alon Bar-Lev
>> Subject: Re: JDK Failures with .gwttar
>> On 07/23/2013 05:28 PM, Leonardo Bianconi wrote:
>>> Hi Itamar!
>>> After rebasing our patches against the master branch from the git
>>> repository, we noticed that the current version of the oVirt engine
>>> uses a new version of GWT. This introduced a problem while building
>>> the engine, which is documented in this link:
>>> "IBM JDK failures with .gwtar and compile" -
>>> https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7530
>>> The problem here is that we are using a different JVM (the IBM's one)
>>> than the one that compiled the gwt files. In the beginning, we tried
>>> to use the Open JDK, but it was too slow to be used, it takes about
>>> 1h20m to build everything against 7m of IBM JDK, so we are using the IBM one.
>>> We have a question, as we are working on oVirt to work with different
>>> architectures, should we work on fixes when we find a problem like that?
>>> For this issue we got a workaround, using an parameter on the build
>>> command and removing the gwt cached files.
>> Hi Leonardo,
>> yes, we should strive to fix these things.
>> it would be even better if we can detect them earlier, by having a jenkins ppc slave to the ovirt jenkins, or just a local jenkins by you
>> which will report when a patch breaks on ppc/ibm jdk for further consideration).
>> questions:
>> 1. is there a bug right now to fix? we need the build to know to add the modifier when using ibm jdk.
> No, there is no bug in the oVirt project, it's only about the way it builds. We compiled it following the workaround:
> "As a workaround, you can also simply remove the .gwtar files from gwt-user.jar. I think there's also a -Dgwt.usearchives=false system property to disable loading the gwtar files."
> The real problem is that the gwt jar contains some serializable files already compiled.  Seems gwt developers are looking for a solution, so we could wait a gwt solution before try to fix it.

well, it failed us as well - could be this (late last night) solves it 
for you as well:

>> 2. (added alon) i remember we actually have an issue with ibm jdk wrt certificates or something which is worth considering in this
>> context.
> We didn't know about it, I will check that.
>> 3. do you have more details on the openjdk performance issue on ppc to try and fix that one? can you open a bug on this and forward
>> to us?
> We haven't analyzed why it happens, but we know the problem is in the gwt packages, because the compilation time of the other packages are normal. We will compile the oVirt project with both JDKs and attach in the bug the output where it says the compilation time for each package, then I forward it for you.
>> Thanks,
>>     Itamar
> Thanks,
> Leonardo Bianconi/Vitor de Lima/Gustavo Pedrosa

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