Would like to make a couple of small feature requests.<br><br>1) Allow for the SPICE or VNC password to be set in the UI by admin's or power users.<br>Benefit: (Assumes spice SSL has been disabled) allows user or admin to set a password for access by a standalone remote session via vncviewer or remote-viewer or the spice html5 implementation which is WIP, or standalone HW thin client<br>
- This may also assume that vdsm is running with SSL disabled as well to have had vdsm make the neccesary changes to the qemu spice configuration<br><br>2) Display currently configured OR generated password and IP/Port for either VNC or SPICE console of the VM within the PUP and Admin UI<br>
Benefit: At the very least a standalone remote client can be used to connect once the password and IP/PORT is known for spice or VNC <br> - Currently VNC will display a dialog that shows the this info but it would be more useful to have it displayed in the UI given proper privilege<br>
<br>3) Display the UUID of a VM in the Admin UI (similar to the how the disks tab breaks down and shows DISK UUID mappings)<br>- Benefit: Easier for administrators to map UUID to VM config file data in the data stores or export domains<br>
<br>- DHC<br><br>