Infrastructure merit & barriers (was: Mailing list request)

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at
Mon Nov 14 19:30:01 UTC 2011

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On 11/13/2011 11:52 PM, Ofer Schreiber wrote:
> I don't mind taking care of mailman administration.

Great, thanks! I have an sshkey from you already, so I can setup the
access later today.

Folks on this list, we have some things to think about:

1. What is a good process for bringing on new system administrators?

Meaning, since we're giving limited-to-full sudo access, we want
appropriate barriers in place so we can create the trust before we
give out the keys. In Ofer's case, the trust exists by being part of
the original RHEV team. :)

So at a minimum we should extend that same courtesy to people from our
various organizations - anyone can gain an entry via organizational

2. What are ways to get proof that people are able to do the job?

We all like to think we know how to admin our Linux systems, but doing
it for a project moves from "my laptop is broken, darn it" to "the
servers are broken and the mission is in peril, oops."

Think of this as, "What is the merit in a meritocratic Infrastructure

In the Fedora Project, new people to the Infrastructure team go
through a probation period. They are given one or a few relatively
minor tasks - ones that must be done according to the established
procedures, but not anything that will break important systems in the
event of a mistake. Success in those tasks helps someone get on to a
specific team that handles a sub-system of the overall infrastructure.

Any other ideas on how to handle establishing merit?

Thanks - Karsten
- -- 
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Architect
team:    Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
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