mail sever

Karsten Wade kwade at
Sun Oct 30 21:48:15 UTC 2011

Including the infra@ list so others are aware we are setting up as a relay server for

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 12:10:36PM +0200, Itamar Heim wrote:
> I think it will be better to set one up.
> it doesn't make sense to me we'll secure, deal with black listing,
> etc. for each server separately (jenkins will also need to send
> emails, and maybe more servers tomorrow).
> I think using and either allowing relay from
> specific hosts is better than yet another server to maintain.
> or maybe require smtp authentication which is best i think.
> but i really need one soon, since gerrit without email notification
> is not very friendly...

In my mind, it's arguable what is the right way to proceed as an
infrastructure - one central SMTP or each host has it's own, we can
debate that.

For now, considering black/white listing etc., yes, I agree that using is more efficient. I'm working on getting postfix to
agree to my change.

Go ahead and tell Gerrit to use as an SMTP host, and
I'll do some relay testing later when I can get 'postconf -d' to show
me what I put in

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:   Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
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