fedora19 slave suddenly misses glusterfs

Dan Kenigsberg danken at redhat.com
Fri Dec 6 00:06:03 UTC 2013

Why does
suddenly fails?

Error: Package: glusterfs-server-3.4.1-1.fc20.x86_64 (fedora)
           Requires: glusterfs-fuse = 3.4.1-1.fc20
           Installed: glusterfs-fuse-3.4.1-3.fc20.x86_64 (@updates-testing)
               glusterfs-fuse = 3.4.1-3.fc20
           Available: glusterfs-fuse-3.4.1-1.fc20.x86_64 (fedora)
               glusterfs-fuse = 3.4.1-1.fc20

It seems as if glusterfs-fuse-3.4.1-3.fc20.x86_64 from @updates-testing got
into the slave, blocking the installation of "lesser" glusterfs-server from
plain fedora.

Could you please remove the ofending package? Could anyone explain how a
package from updates-testing has infiltrated the machine?


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