oVirt infra weekly agenda

David Caro dcaroest at redhat.com
Wed Dec 17 15:49:18 UTC 2014

It's been a couple of weeks since the last meeting, so just a reminder
that the meeting will be tomorrow at 15:00 UTC.

I wanted also to start a new process, I'll send this email the day
before the meeting with some updates, so you can reply if you want to
talk about any specific topic, but if noone replies, we will skip the
meeting (seeing that we had low attendance lately and most of the
people there had already that info, I think that this might help).

Soe here's the summary:

* Infra
  - Finally got access to the console interfaces of the phoenix
  servers, brought them back online
  - First tests of nested jobs in fc20 worked well (thanks fabian!)
  - We are using now also ovirt-srv01 as host, to help with the load
  (now that we have ovirt-srv07 back up we can take it back, but
  there's no need yet)

* Jenkins
  - Done a lot of improvements to the mock flow (cleanup, bind mounts...)
  - Started looking into the new workflow plugin
  - Started discussing some generic scripts to be able to treat all
  projects in the same way
  - We really should start thinking on when and how to get zuul gating
  our projects (we had a couple issues with patches merged when
  breaking the tests), that might require major changes
  - Added the ovirt-node job, and first iso built (thanks tolik!)

* Community
  - Sandro and I were accepted into the CentOS Virt SIG group as
  maintainers for the ovirt rpms, we will start pushing on getting
  them into official centos repos.


David Caro

Red Hat S.L.
Continuous Integration Engineer - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D

Tel.: +420 532 294 605
Email: dcaro at redhat.com
Web: www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-62605
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