INFRA ISSUE: [oVirt Jenkins] ovirt-engine_3.4_upgrade-from-3.3_merged - Build # 375 - Still Failing!

Jenkins ci oVirt Server jenkins at
Tue Sep 16 17:46:01 UTC 2014

Build Number: 375
Build Status:  Still Failing
Triggered By: Triggered by Gerrit:

Changes Since Last Success:
Changes for Build #367
[Alon Bar-Lev] utils: ovf: move compat xml to ovf as it is the only consumer

Changes for Build #368
[Alon Bar-Lev] core: fix CVE-2014-3573

Changes for Build #369
[Simone Tiraboschi] packaging: setup: Avoid engine DB password in answerfile if providing

Changes for Build #370
[Vitor de Lima] core, engine: Avoid creating the CD device multiple times

[Sandro Bonazzola] repoclosure: epel7 is not in beta anymore

[Sandro Bonazzola] ovirt-engine_upgrade_stable_to_3.4: more cleanups

Changes for Build #371
[Vitor de Lima] core, engine: Avoid creating the CD device multiple times

Changes for Build #372
[Simone Tiraboschi] packaging: setup: Updating default storage type question

Changes for Build #373
[Simone Tiraboschi] packaging: setup: Updating default storage type question

Changes for Build #374
[Simone Tiraboschi] packaging: setup: removing default storage type question

Changes for Build #375
[Martin Mucha] core: allowed to add network label even if Vm using this network is

Failed Tests:
No tests ran. 

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