Cannot loging to ovirt wiki

Michael Scherer mscherer at
Wed Sep 17 16:18:30 UTC 2014

Le mercredi 17 septembre 2014 à 11:27 -0400, Dave Neary a écrit :
> Hi,
> On 09/17/2014 11:07 AM, David Caro wrote:
> > On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 10:56:58 AM Dave Neary wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I've documented the issue in the past: 
> >>
> >> 
> >> It would be possible to migrate the database to the separate gear
> >> in the ovirt tenant - - and
> >> use that database with the appropriate environment variables on
> >> the wiki gear.
> > 
> > Nice! I can do all that only with ssh access? (I have to the wiki,
> > but not sure if I have it to the mysqlserver-ovirt)
> I guess so, although for something delicate like that I was planning
> to let misc take it on.

As I said in the past, the plan wouldn't work. To have 2 gears
communicate, we need to have them setup in a specific way, not just 2
gears in the same account. If one is moved to another node, we need to
have a specific triggers on the webserver gear to trigger a potential
configuration change. 

More over, this could mean having more patching to do on mediawiki side,
which mean forking. Unless someone step to maintain a mediawiki fork,
this is not gonna happen.

I still maintain that the solution is to use openshift for what it is
currently ( may be different once we have openshift v3 ), a Paas where
you develop the software, not one where yo take out of the shelf

The current mediawiki installation is already outdated when it come to
security, so it should be upgraded anyway. It would be easier for me to
just have a VM and use apache + tarball than openshift.

Michael Scherer
Open Source and Standards, Sysadmin
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