new default jenkins monitoring view for unstable jobs

Eyal Edri eedri at
Wed Dec 14 15:24:24 UTC 2016


To improve our monitoring and response on critical jobs that affect the
whole infra ( i.e system jobs, publishers,etc...) I've changed the default
view to include only jobs from:

   - experimental flows
   - system jobs
   - publishers
   - system jobs ( cleaners, etc...)

This will help infra team track and fix wide infra issues much faster.
All other 'check-merged' jobs should be monitored by the relevant
maintainers, same as check-patch jobs.

On any issue found that fail due to infra, the flow should be opening a
ticket to infra-support at or on

This will help us as a team to be alert on important things and handle
tickets for failing jobs due to infra issues in a more structured and
orderly way.

Eyal Edri
Associate Manager
RHV DevOps
EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Red Hat Israel

phone: +972-9-7692018
irc: eedri (on #tlv #rhev-dev #rhev-integ)
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